
Jan 24, 2014

Half assed wonders and unfinished dreams: Things I am randomly doing

That post title was for Marisa I told you it would make a great one :P

And the title does make sense with all the things my befuddled mind tries to process. <If this wording doesn't make sense let me show you this graph of how my mind works for mini ideas> ..ehem..

So you see from the above graph..that *HEHEHE HARHARHAR*
Any ways....
I have decided to enter the Undersized Urbanite contest and the HBS Contest and work on them AT THE SAME TIME!!!!
I thought to enter undersized urbanite with a simple theme house, it wont place as anything but I am going to build it any ways and I thought just joining this newish contest might help bring it to light for the future contestants as well, also why don't you join?
The Undersized Urbanite can be found at the top tab of my page here I will be working on it over the next couple of months in random spurts.
As for the HBS contest, I just ordered the house. My long distance sister Jenny Bee and I, will be working on these houses together gain just like the Greenleaf contest. Jen has a awesome idea ;)
My idea is big also, I will be doing some massive construction on this one..good thing we have almost a year for the build ;)
Tomorrow I will show you the wonders that the darling Jennifer of Plushpussycat sent me and see if anyone else wants to do a swap for valentines ;)
Ps..Don't copy my graph, you will go insane..


  1. Yes indeed a bit of a maze it is in there isn't it lol
    BUT we all know out of all that you always turn it into something quite ~
    I so admire your creativity !!

    1. Aww thanks hon, although I may go slightly insane from this venture ;P

  2. The graph made total sense. I have the same problem. My poor husband told me to pick something and stick to it. I'm trying really hard to do that, but there are so many damn Squirrels!!!!

    1. They do call that being squirrely don't they? when you jump all around, all I need now are a few acorns and im set! ;P

  3. It may seem chaotic to some but of course it is a simple roadmap to awesome creations. Looking forward to your ambitious builds and everything else you've got cooking :-)

    1. Thank you for the confidence, but if you start to see me post about socks or the words become scrambled, send for help I may have gone "nuts" ;)

  4. Its like you can see into my mind. It's always random like this! And true fully it's not random I think Thats actually how all great minds work! Now if that kit can just get to our houses.....

    1. And now..dammit..wanna start a new project already!!!! wait

  5. У меня такой же график в голове. Можно потерять себя!:):)
    Приятно слышать, что вы участвуете в конкурсах! Вы такая талантливая. Вы займете только первое место!

    1. Я постараюсь, чтобы выиграть! Спасибо за cheerign меня. :)

  6. Thanks for the support!

  7. una bella serie di progetti! Buon lavoro!
    un abbraccio.Manu

  8. You graph makes wonderfully mad sense to me :-) And with all of that...why not throw in joining 2 contests. It won't make it worse, will it? Just kidding. I am going to enjoy following your progress on these houses and learning what new tips/tricks you have up your sleeve. :-)

  9. Oh wow, two contests?! This is going to be a fun year for you :D also a bit hectic :P But I have a feeling you're going to like every second of it! Are you really going to make us wait a whole year to let us know what you'll be building???? I don't think I can wait that long..... oohh.... it's really shaping up to be a very stressful year for me, hahahah. I wish you'd do something magical again :D *sigh*

    1. I might now have as much magic as it has fanciful lore ;) but I can guarantee it will be Transporting ;)

  10. Yay, looking forward to following your contest progress and watching your wonderful minis come to life. Love the chart. I can't keep up with my mini brain - it seems to keep veering off on different pathways at any moment through my imagination combined with all the inspiration out in blogland. I think you sometimes just have to give in to your creativity and let it lead you.

    1. I definitely agree, I cant hold down inspiration because I have to balance it with free time..that is always the trouble ;)

  11. Hi Jane, Your graph is so fun and funny! I'm going to have to watch my mind a bit more and see what it's like. LOL I'm excited about your two projects. Please tell us as much as you can so we know what kind of gifts to make for you. ;-) You don't have to show the gifts I gave you. Show us one of your projects or how you made those amazing gifts for me--now that would be interesting. I'll take notes for that! :-) xo Jennifer

  12. Hey Jane, your graph makes perfect sense to me! heehee What doesn't register though, is the insanity of entering TWO BIG and different challenges at the same time!!!!??? SAY WHAT!!!???

    I hope your head doesn't explode. :[


  13. Sounds like a contest with an end line will keep your mind straight.
    At least you made a graph and you'll know what you skipped out. I know for sure that any thing you'll create will be fantastic.
    Hugs, Drora

  14. Creative minds usually work that way....a lot of ideas, a lot of mess in your mind but at the end you always come up with something spectacular....So cute and funny the graph of your thoughts.... :) I'm looking forward to see what you will produce for the competitions. I'm not sure about all you will do but I just know I will be amazed. Happy creating! <3

  15. Hello Jane,
    I have a headache just from glancing at that image! You certainly are incredibly ambitious and I cannot wait to see your entry for the contest. Hang in there, and good luck keeping body and sanity together,
    Big hug,

  16. Looks like you will be kept busy! Can't wait to see the results!
